Effect of thermal phase fluctuations on the inductances of Josephson junctions, arrays of junctions, and superconducting films

Thomas R. Lemberger, Aaron A. Pesetski, and Stefan J. Turneaure
Phys. Rev. B 61, 1483 – Published 1 January 2000
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We calculate the factor by which thermal phase fluctuations, as distinct from phase-slip fluctuations, increase the inductance LJ of a resistively shunted Josephson junction (JJ) above its mean-field value L0. We find that quantum mechanics suppresses fluctuations when T drops below a temperature, TQ=ħ/kBGL0, where G is the shunt conductance. Examination of the calculated sheet inductance LA(T)/L0(T) of arrays of JJ’s reveals that two-dimensional (2D) interconnections halve fluctuation effects, while reducing phase-slip effects by a much larger factor. Guided by these results, we calculate the sheet inductance LF(T)/L0(T) of 2D films by treating each plasma oscillation mode as an overdamped JJ. In disordered s-wave superconductors, quantum suppression is important for LF(0)/LF(T)>0.14 (or T/TC0<0.94). In optimally doped YBCO and BSCCO quantum suppression is important for λ2(0)/λ2(T)>0.25, where λ is the penetration depth.

  • Received 10 May 1999


©2000 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Thomas R. Lemberger, Aaron A. Pesetski, and Stefan J. Turneaure

  • Department of Physics, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1106

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Vol. 61, Iss. 2 — 1 January 2000

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