Energy of Infinitely Long, Cylindrically Symmetric Systems in General Relativity

Kip S. Thorne
Phys. Rev. 138, B251 – Published 12 April 1965
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A definition of energy is proposed for systems invariant under rotations about, and translations along, a symmetry axis. This energy (which is called "cylindrical energy" or "C energy") takes the form of a covariant vector Pi, which obeys the conservation law Pi; i=0. C energy is localizable and locally measurable: The component of Pi along the world line of an observer is the C-energy density he measures. Near the symmetry axis of a static system, where strong gravitational fields are absent, C-energy density reduces to proper mass density T00. C energy is propagated by Einstein-Rosen gravitational waves and by cylindrical electromagnetic waves. In vacuo and in the presence of electromagnetic fields the C energy on a space-like hyper-surface is minimized when the system is static; and the difference between the "potential" part and the "kinetic" part is a Lagrangian for the Einstein-Maxwell field equations. C energy can be a powerful tool in the analysis of finite as well as infinite cylindrically symmetric systems. Here it is used to elucidate the nature of Einstein-Rosen gravitational radiation, and to suggest and support the conjecture of flux resistance to gravitational collapse: In any configuration of electromagnetic fields collapsing toward a singularity, each electric and magnetic-field line is either entirely ejected from the collapsing region or entirely swallowed by it as collapse proceeds; there can be no flux threading a collapsed region.

  • Received 30 September 1964


©1965 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Kip S. Thorne*

  • Palmer Physical Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

  • *Danforth Foundation Fellow 1963-64, National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellow 1964-65.

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Vol. 138, Iss. 1B — April 1965

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