• Open Access

Universal Compiling and (No-)Free-Lunch Theorems for Continuous-Variable Quantum Learning

Tyler Volkoff, Zoë Holmes, and Andrew Sornborger
PRX Quantum 2, 040327 – Published 8 November 2021


Quantum compiling, where a parameterized quantum circuit is trained to learn a target unitary, is an important primitive for quantum computing that can be used as a subroutine to obtain optimal circuits or as a tomographic tool to study the dynamics of an experimental system. While much attention has been paid to quantum compiling on discrete-variable hardware, less has been paid to compiling in the continuous-variable paradigm. Here we motivate several, closely related, short-depth continuous-variable algorithms for quantum compilation. We analyze the trainability of our proposed cost functions and numerically demonstrate our algorithms by learning arbitrary Gaussian operations and Kerr nonlinearities. We further make connections between this framework and quantum learning theory in the continuous-variable setting by deriving no-free-lunch theorems. These generalization bounds demonstrate a linear resource reduction for learning Gaussian unitaries using entangled coherent-Fock states and an exponential resource reduction for learning arbitrary unitaries using two-mode-squeezed states.

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  • Received 16 May 2021
  • Revised 26 August 2021
  • Accepted 29 September 2021


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Quantum Information, Science & Technology

Authors & Affiliations

Tyler Volkoff1,*, Zoë Holmes2, and Andrew Sornborger2,3

  • 1Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
  • 2Information Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
  • 3Quantum Science Center, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37931, USA

  • *volkoff@lanl.gov

Popular Summary

Quantum compiling, where a parameterized quantum circuit is trained to learn a target unitary, is an important quantum algorithm for quantum computing. It can be used to find optimal (i.e., short-depth and noise-resistant) circuits to aid the implementation of larger algorithms, or as a tool to learn the dynamics of an unknown experimental system. Here we develop a framework for the compiling of continuous-variable (CV) operations using CV quantum computers, where information is stored in continuous variables such as the position or momentum of a photonic system.

Our framework is composed of two main components. Firstly, we introduce a series of quantum algorithms for compiling CV operations. Our algorithms are variational quantum algorithms, where a cost function is evaluated on a quantum computer, while a classical optimizer trains a parameterized quantum circuit to minimize this cost. The cost is chosen such that the parameterized quantum circuit that minimizes our costs is guaranteed to match the target unitary we are trying to compile. We demonstrate that our algorithms work by numerically simulating the learning of Gaussian operations, the beam splitter operation, and Kerr nonlinearities. Secondly, we place the field on rigorous foundations by deriving no-free-lunch theorems on the resources required to learn different classes of CV operations.

Our results highlight that entanglement is an important resource for the learning of CV operations. This work paves the way for implementing substantial algorithms on photonic quantum computers. More generally, we hope our quantum compilation algorithms will be used as a novel technique for studying the properties of optical materials.

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Vol. 2, Iss. 4 — November - December 2021

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