• Open Access

Two-Way Covert Quantum Communication in the Microwave Regime

R. Di Candia, H. Yiğitler, G.S. Paraoanu, and R. Jäntti
PRX Quantum 2, 020316 – Published 10 May 2021


Quantum communication addresses the problem of exchanging information across macroscopic distances by employing encryption techniques based on quantum-mechanical laws. Here, we advance a new paradigm for secure quantum communication by combining backscattering concepts with covert communication in the microwave regime. Our protocol allows communication between Alice, who uses only discrete phase modulations, and Bob, who has access to cryogenic microwave technology. Using notions of quantum channel discrimination and quantum metrology, we find the ultimate bounds for the receiver performance, proving that quantum correlations can enhance the SNR by up to 6 dB. These bounds rule out any quantum illumination advantage when the source is strongly amplified, and shows that a relevant gain is possible only in the low photon-number regime. We show how the protocol can be used for covert communication, where the carrier signal is indistinguishable from the thermal noise in the environment. We complement our information-theoretic results with a feasible experimental proposal in a circuit-QED platform. This work makes a decisive step toward implementing secure quantum communication concepts in the previously uncharted 110 GHz frequency range, in the scenario when the disposable power of one party is severely constrained.

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  • Received 5 May 2020
  • Revised 19 March 2021
  • Accepted 25 March 2021


Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.

Published by the American Physical Society

Physics Subject Headings (PhySH)

Quantum Information, Science & TechnologyCondensed Matter, Materials & Applied Physics

Authors & Affiliations

R. Di Candia1,*, H. Yiğitler1, G.S. Paraoanu2, and R. Jäntti1

  • 1Department of Communications and Networking, Aalto University, Espoo 02150, Finland
  • 2QTF Centre of Excellence, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science, Aalto FI-00076, Finland

  • *rob.dicandia@gmail.com

Popular Summary

Quantum communication holds the promise of replacing the present classical communicating systems, but we are far yet from achieving a full quantum information network. Optical photons are the leading option for implementing these ideas, since unconditional security is provably reachable in this regime. On the other side, a microwave open-air quantum-communication application has been so far elusive. Here, we propose a novel implementation of quantum-secured backscatter communication in the microwave regime.

In backscatter communication, Alice modulates a carrier signal emitted by Bob to transmit its information without spending energy to generate the carrier. In order to hide the information transmitted by Alice from malicious Eve, it is necessary to disguise the carrier generated by Bob, which is known as covert communication. Our main contribution is to apply covertness ideas to a quantum-illumination setup to show that it is possible to reach unconditional security. This is achieved by generating a carrier that resembles the thermal noise in the statistical sense so that the signal modulated by Alice cannot be demodulated by a powerful Eve. We discuss that such a system can be implemented when the carrier strength is low and the bandwidth of the signal is wide enough. We provide a step-by-step implementation of these ideas without photodetection, which also solves a known bottleneck in quantum microwave applications.

Alice and Bob can operate on a licensed spectrum since covertness requires them to generate and use low-power carriers. Therefore, the proposed quantum-communication system can accommodate several applications in emerging or well-established areas such as the Internet of Things.

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Vol. 2, Iss. 2 — May - July 2021

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