Generalized two-leg Hubbard ladder at half filling: Phase diagram and quantum criticalities

M. Tsuchiizu and A. Furusaki
Phys. Rev. B 66, 245106 – Published 6 December 2002
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The ground-state phase diagram of the half-filled two-leg Hubbard ladder with intersite Coulomb repulsions and exchange coupling is studied by using the strong-coupling perturbation theory and the weak-coupling bosonization method. Considered here as possible ground states of the ladder model are four types of density-wave states with different angular momentum (s-density-wave state, p-density-wave state, d-density-wave state, and f-density-wave state) and four types of quantum disordered states, i.e., Mott insulating states (S-Mott, D-Mott, S-Mott, and D-Mott states, where S and D stand for s- and d-wave symmetry). The s-density-wave state, the d-density-wave state, and the D-Mott state are also known as the charge-density-wave state, the staggered-flux state, and the rung-singlet state, respectively. Strong-coupling approach naturally leads to the Ising model in a transverse field as an effective theory for the quantum phase transitions between the staggered-flux state and the D-Mott state and between the charge-density-wave state and the S-Mott state, where the Ising ordered states correspond to doubly degenerate ground states in the staggered-flux or the charge-density-wave state. From the weak-coupling bosonization approach it is shown that there are three cases in the quantum phase transitions between a density-wave state and a Mott state: the Ising (Z2) criticality, the SU(2)2 criticality, and a first-order transition. The quantum phase transitions between Mott states and between density-wave states are found to be the U(1) Gaussian criticality. The ground-state phase diagram is determined by integrating perturbative renormalization-group equations. It is shown that the S-Mott state and the staggered-flux state exist in the region sandwiched by the charge-density-wave phase and the D-Mott phase. The p-density-wave state, the S-Mott state, and the D-Mott state also appear in the phase diagram when the next-nearest-neighbor repulsion is included. The correspondence between Mott states in extended Hubbard ladders and spin-liquid states in spin ladders is also discussed.

  • Received 27 June 2002


©2002 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

M. Tsuchiizu and A. Furusaki

  • Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan

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Vol. 66, Iss. 24 — 15 December 2002

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