δ-function Bose-gas picture of S=1 antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains near critical fields

Kouichi Okunishi, Yasuhiro Hieida, and Yasuhiro Akutsu
Phys. Rev. B 59, 6806 – Published 1 March 1999
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We study the zero-temperature magnetization curve (MH curve) of the one-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet of spin one. The Hamiltonian H we consider is of the bilinear-biquadratic form: H=if(sisi+1) (+Zeeman term) where si is the spin operator at site i and f(X)=X+βX2 with 0<~β<1. We focus on validity of the δ-function Bose-gas picture near the two critical fields: upper-critical field Hs above which the magnetization saturates and the lower-critical field Hc associated with the Haldane gap. As for the behavior near Hs, we take “low-energy effective S matrix” approach, where the correct effective Bose-gas coupling constant c is extracted from the two down-spin S matrix in its low-energy limit. We find that the resulting value of c differs from the spin-wave value. We draw the MH curve by using the resultant Bose gas, and compare it with numerical calculation where the product-wave-function renormalization-group (PWFRG) method, a variant of White’s density-matrix renormalization group method, is employed. Excellent agreement is seen between the PWFRG calculation and the correctly mapped Bose-gas calculation. We also test the validity of the Bose-gas picture near the lower-critical field Hc. Comparing the PWFRG-calculated MH curves with the Bose-gas prediction, we find that there are two distinct regions, I and II, of β separated by a critical value βc(0.41). In region I, 0<β<βc, the effective Bose coupling c is positive but rather small. The small value of c makes the “critical region” of the square-root behavior MHHc very narrow. Further, we find that in the ββc0, the square-root behavior transmutes to a different one, M(HHc)θ with θ1/4. In region II, βc<β<1, the square-root behavior is more pronounced as compared with region I, but the effective coupling c becomes negative.

  • Received 17 July 1998


©1999 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Kouichi Okunishi, Yasuhiro Hieida, and Yasuhiro Akutsu

  • Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Machikaneyama-cho 1-1, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan

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Vol. 59, Iss. 10 — 1 March 1999

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