Bose-Einstein Gas with Repulsive Interactions: General Theory

K. A. Brueckner and K. Sawada
Phys. Rev. 106, 1117 – Published 15 June 1957
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The properties of a Bose-Einstein gas with repulsive interparticle interactions are determined at low temperature. It is shown that the contribution to the energy arising from particle excitation with small momentum transfers computed in conventional perturbation theory is divergent, but that this difficulty can be avoided by an alternative procedure. An exact method is developed for dealing with that part of the Hamiltonian which gives rise to the perturbation divergence and an exact solution is obtained. The treatment of the region of large momentum transfers is then carried out by introducing the concept of the scattering length of the interaction. The energy is given by the well-known result of the optical theorem corrected by a series in powers of (ρa3)12, where ρ is the density and a the scattering length. Examination of the processes contributing to the energy shows that 95.8% of the correction of order (ρa3)12 results from a simple alteration of the perturbation energy denominators which takes into account the interaction energy of excited pairs with the unexcited pairs of the medium. The remaining 4.2% arises from multiple particle excitation. These methods also predict the existence of phonon excitation with phonon energies that are linear in the phonon momentum for small excitation and approach q22M for large momentum. The detailed consideration of this spectrum forms part of the following paper.

The results are compared with the theory of fermion systems with strong interactions, where again the largest correction to the first-order "optical" energy arises from alteration of the two-particle propagator which is required to take into account interactions with the many unexcited particles of the medium. The propagator corrections in the fermion and boson systems are similar except for a characteristic difference arising from the statistics. The theory for bosons is shown to be essentially identical with that given by Brueckner and Levinson in their general formulation of the theory of many-body systems with strong interactions.

Systems with attractive but saturating interactions are also considered and some new difficulties are shown to arise which cannot be treated by a straightforward application of the methods of this paper.

  • Received 14 December 1956


©1957 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

K. A. Brueckner and K. Sawada

  • University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

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Vol. 106, Iss. 6 — June 1957

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