Enhancement of antiferromagnetic correlations induced by nonmagnetic impurities: Origin and predictions for NMR experiments

Markus Laukamp, George Balster Martins, Claudio Gazza, André L. Malvezzi, Elbio Dagotto, Patricia M. Hansen, Alfredo C. López, and José Riera
Phys. Rev. B 57, 10755 – Published 1 May 1998
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Spin models that have been proposed to describe dimerized chains, ladders, two-dimensional antiferromagnets, and other compounds are studied here when some spins are replaced by spinless vacancies, such as it occurs by Zn doping. A small percentage of vacancies rapidly destroys the spin gap, and their presence induces enhanced antiferromagnetic correlations near those vacancies. The study is performed with computational techniques which includes Lanczos, world-line Monte Carlo, and the density-matrix renormalization-group methods. Since the phenomenon of enhanced antiferromagnetism is found to occur in several models and cluster geometries, a common simple explanation for its presence may exist. It is argued that the resonating-valence-bond character of the spin correlations at short distances of a large variety of models is responsible for the presence of robust staggered spin correlations near vacancies and lattice edges. The phenomenon takes place regardless of the long distance properties of the ground state, and it is caused by a “pruning” of the available spin singlets in the vicinity of the vacancies. The effect produces a broadening of the low-temperature NMR signal for the compounds analyzed here. This broadening should be experimentally observable in the structurally dimerized chain systems Cu(NO3)22.5H2O, CuWO4, (VO)2P2O7, and Sr14Cu24O41, in ladder materials such as SrCu2O3, in the spin-Peierls systems CuGeO3 and NaV2O5, and in several others since it is a universal effect common to a wide variety of models and compounds. In addition, it is argued that the Néel order observed in SrCu2O3 upon Zn doping is induced by the local antiferromagnetic order discussed in this paper, enhanced by a favorable ratio between the actual Heisenberg couplings along chains and rungs, as reported in recent experimental literature. Based on this reasoning it is predicted here that other ladder materials such as Zn-doped Cu2(C5H12N2)2Cl4 will not present Néel order at small Zn concentrations.

  • Received 25 July 1997


©1998 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Markus Laukamp, George Balster Martins, Claudio Gazza, André L. Malvezzi, and Elbio Dagotto

  • National High Magnetic Field Lab and Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306

Patricia M. Hansen, Alfredo C. López, and José Riera

  • Instituto de Física Rosario y Departamento de Física, Avenida Pellegrini 250, 2000 Rosario, Argentina

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Vol. 57, Iss. 17 — 1 May 1998

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